Passiflora caerulea ‘Duuk’®

The Passiflora ‘Duuk’ is a special Passion Flower with beautiful blue flowers. This Passion Flower can bloom abundantly in the period from June to September.

Larger flowers than the traditional Passion Flower

Better Hardy and suitable for European climate

Easier to maintain than other varieties

Only the strongest and healthiest varieties in the "Our Choice" range

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The Passiflora ‘Duuk’ is a special Passion Flower with beautiful blue flowers. This Passion Flower can bloom profusely in the period from June to September. The plant does need to be in a good sheltered spot where the warm afternoon sun will not reach. In the spring, lightly prune the plant in order to stimulate flowering. In autumn, bring the plant inside when frost is expected as the Passiflora ‘Duuk’ cannot withstand it. If the plant is placed in a pot, it is important that this is a large pot in which the plant can develop well. Refresh part of the soil in which the plant stands every spring. When planting, it is advisable to use good planting soil or potting soil.


Our Choice

Max height

not suitable for consumption

Min height
70 cm
19 cm

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